Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trudging Along (with a cranky computer...)

Well, after reading through the new pieces I acquired for my Lit review--and being grateful for the smart things I have unwittingly done so far--I find myself fighting with my computer which has decided I am not paying it enough attention (perhaps) or that I am spending too much time working on my phone. Either way, I do frequently research on my laptop or my phone and when something seems like material I would like to have handy, information that will greatly benefit my play as I move forward in this (dreadfully slow) process, my desktop and its printer tend to be uncooperative. My frustration level with work--that place I find myself spending twelve hours a day of late--and my inability to form verbal sentences by the time I get home much less create humorous dialogue for my next scene, is greatly enhanced by the computer joining forces with Shoprite, Wakefern and the less personal but equally annoying rush hour traffic (which I am now in the thick of, as I get out of work so much later than I am supposed to). But enough of my complaints--for now. I am finding, through my research, that my instincts and my initial research about adapting a play from so long ago, were spot on--thank God! I will not have copyright fees or family members looking for compensation--unless Aristophanes has a relative who can validate their connection to him, which is fairly unlikely. I had learned that in Theatre and also in my many Shakespeare classes; being such a big fan of the Bard I was curious. But these articles confirm my safety in this area. So ancient Greeks are by far even safer than sixteenth century works. I was also pleased to learn that the characterizations I have carefully chosen are also following the good advice of experts--so I have made some smart moves with that as well. What I find of concern is that all three papers I read on adapting a play, recommend taking a "B" play and improving on it. I have chosen an "A" play that is one of my favorites, which is most definitely not the suggestion of experts at all. However, I feel it can work if I stay true to Aristophanes style of humor and humanity while infusing this piece with my own--in regard to this new setting and what my version is hoping to convey. He sought peace and that point was grasped through the humor. I seek understanding of self, for the people caught in the middle of corporate bull*** every day. I also hope to attain both respect and appreciation for all the people who make the business work and keep it going "round and round" every single day. That includes not only women, but also marginalized workers of race, religion, and sex. Aristophanes was the voice through this woman Lysistrata that made everyone laugh at themselves and at the stupidity and futility of war. I need to be able to create that same sentiment regarding the monster we all go to day after day, the machine with which we pay our bills and stay societally acceptable. BUT, that same machine robs us of so many of the important things that really matter while it creates a competitive atmosphere which make some obsessed with success. And the rest either get left in the cold or try to keep it together, albeit feeling horribly slighted and/ or alienated. As they should. This Lysistrata wants to stop that war and will also use the only way she can. I'll stop rambling now, but I do hope you can see my goal and my concern that I do this well and make a strong--yet funny--case for all to see. And maybe help some to have a change of heart. Just like Aristophanes did.

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