Thursday, February 23, 2017

Finally I will see my People! by Debbie Bagnato

Despite my ability and often preference to work alone endlessly on a piece before I want to share it with anyone, I am so excited and actually relieved to be meeting with my group later today! I have spent an endless amount of time on this piece, editing, revising, loving, hating and--in some scenes-- almost destroying my writing completely. The result is that I recognize my profound need for their input! I did follow my own instructions from last week and stayed away from this piece, in an effort to not destroy it through unnecessary revisions and/ or deletes. I will be reading todays chosen piece almost as my colleagues are because I only skimmed the scenes opening and closing lines to know where I might start and finish--class-time provided. There may be a bit more then we can read in each "script" but we will see how the time works and decide together. Then I can return to the revising mode with a fresh outlook and some strong ideas, perspectives and suggestions (and not destroy what is perceived as the good stuff)...I have a store full of co-workers who are excited about this story being told--and their personalities being enjoyed, laughed about, or identified with by others.
As for the website, I hope to gain much knowlege from my worthy colleagues so that I can comfortably and confidently move forward with this piece of the puzzle. We all know that I am not the strongest in this area so will need the tips and clever clues (?) of my colleagues in order to complete this challenge with ease. I do not want to be weeping over my inability to get the scenes to show up by clicking on a link or--worse still--realize that I have deleted my entire project after working on it for days by accidentally hitting a wrong key--and yes, I am fully capable of such malfunctions...Despite all my true efforts alone, I need the help of my peeps!
Other than that, working on my other piece has been an entirely different type of mindset but I am having fun as I go. It seems I can revise my earlier scenes--but not to excess--and then continue with my tale in my changing voice. This is also a sort of creative nonfictional piece as well--the scenes are based on true happenings OR are a recap of events, modified for the purpose of performance and/or  reading enjoyment. It seems to be a similar voice to my thesis project but there are different underlying concerns beneath the humor in these two pieces. For now, I am just trying to get the rest of my outline--in the remaining scenes--on paper in a humorous yet true-to-these-character fashion. The break from my multi-character piece to this "two-fer" was strange but allows for more one-on-one interaction. After pages of thinking of the endless, multi-layered conversations in front of Courtesy and trying to capture that momentum, this is equally trying as I attempt to bring the conversations, heart, and humor down to the simple reality of my sister and I. Our back-and-forth banter, fueled by jet-lag, mom-worry and poor Italian usage when visiting our brother, is a different but equally enjoyable type of emotion that I am trying to recreate. My hope is that each project will benefit the other and I will find my voice in both pieces, and be glad to hear it. Happy writing guys!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Giving my Revisions a Break Before I edit out all the fun...

Well, it seems I have become somewhat addicted to revising and admit that I am, quite possibly, editing out more than necessary. Also, at present time, I have bronchitis, am quite sick, and feel like I am taking stupid pills along with the antibiotics, so--to protect my piece (from myself) I am not letting myself near it until I feel normal again. Instead, I have begun dabbling with my website just to find a model and feel comfortable with what I have chosen. Because of my inexperience with website building (and the stupid pills) this is also temporarily on hold but the daily photographs of my co-workers and set (ie. my version of the "Acropolis") are in full swing. This has become a regular occurrence and the "cast members" as well as all the employees are excited about having a story--a play--about us and what we do. They are all turning out to be wonderful, terrible hams. I also think I need a break from the story as I have become too involved in it to be able to recognize its strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, I need the input of my marvelous group--next Thursday--and their opinions and reactions will help me to proceed--cautiously--with my revisions. So, despite being done with the writing, I know that there is still much to do and have tried to create a tentative "game plan" for the entire project.
The website (yes, me trying to create my own) was beginning to make sense, as I changed backgrounds and tried to add/ delete some simple components but then--as I feared--my questions about the best way to present my thesis came into focus. That and my unwise attempt at inputting too many photos in the gallery---thank God they do not save unless you hit that little button...So now, after learning a few of the different ways I can set up my site,  I am preparing a list of things I would like included in it. And of course, to present said list to my group so they can express their opinions on and suggestions for. I do not want to invest any more time on things that just do not seem to be going the way I had intended, so my exploration slows down--for now. Also I value the opinions of my group immensely--especially Dr. Z, who creates her own websites. I so want this to be something I am proud of when it is completed, so I will proceed very carefully with this next part of Lysistrata Revisited. Hopefully, I can make the progress needed with both revisions and websites with ease...
Other than that, I am free-writing--for my other project--to keep my mind somewhat focused; the first four scenes I had written easily only after free-writing and brainstorming. Once this new play is heading in the direction I have outlined, I believe my focus and ability to finish my revisions will improve for the thesis project. It has overtaken my time, thoughts, and conversations, and the insane enthusiasm of my co-workers ("Hey Debbie come on in the meat room and get a picture of us all!") adds to the excitement. Not that my total submersion is bad, but I do need to be more objective and that requires some small distance. Truthfully, I feel like I miss my characters when I am not working on this--but I see them all every day. Only they are not in the same circumstances that my play (and Aristophanes) created. In retrospect,  I was grateful for my inability to work at the computer on this play--each day after work--when Frank was hospitalized. I would make slight revisions using "Docs" on my phone while at the hospital and when I was finally able to devote quality time to my work, could actually enjoy the good parts. It also enabled me to confidently recognize the weak sections and then really make revisions. So, in that hope, I am giving myself these few days away from it, during which (hopefully) I will get better, and then can return with a fresh and open mind. Wish me luck guys, as I do all of you. And can't wait to see my group next week and what they're up to--not to mention that I really need your input! But for now, time for more unpleasant prescriptions...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

It's Really almost Debbie Bagnato

Alas kiddies, once again I have finished my wonderful/ horrible play and felt quite satisfied with all my changes, edits, and corrections only to realize that I left something out. Every day it's the same thing but I am getting closer (I think) to actually having everything I hoped for in there. The cast has grown in order to represent the volume and constant movement of the store--I have also started to compile a list of two-part roles that should be cast as such, giving actors the chance to exercise their character acting skills. Many of the quick exchanges needed in certain scenes truly add flavor to the overall picture but would leave an actor rather bored if that were their only scene, hence the "two-part" roles will be listed in the script. As much as I add (on a regular basis) there seems to be an equal amount I take away. Often I give the characters too much to say--nobody would listen to them in my store, trust me. But when I go back in (that's right, I'm goin' in) to read and try out the lines, I quickly remove the excess; sometimes I change the entire thing. Often I am surprised that I gave certain characters so very much to say and quickly delete a large portion. This mission needs to be completed sometime soon so I can attempt to create a website and put the finished product on it.
On that note, I have been busy taking pictures of my crazy co-workers (i.e. the cast of my version of this old play). Most of these characters are really characters and almost everyone is quite excited to be a part of my thesis project. I have many photographs to use besides the individual photos I set out to take as "head shots" and present next to each character's description. This enthusiasm is a boost to my writing as I see the people I am writing about in a flattering, and very personal light. The website--if I ever am able to create it, will include a collage of the group pics they all insisted I take and that are really a great lot of fun. The point of the play itself and its relevance to our store I have broken down to the simplest terms for their benefit and they all think its a hoot--so the only "characters" left to photograph are the few supervisors in the script. Three of them will be no problem but the one fellow--the antagonist of the play--might  present me with a challenge. I will keep you all aprised of the outcome--might need to employ great flattery for him...The run-time of the play is the next thing on the agenda--once I am comfortable with the existing script. It is currently seventy-four pages long but there are a great many stage directions in there--I have read way too much of Tennesee Williams work through the years. However, those stage directions paint the scene for the reader, actor, or potential director so I find them a very necessary ingredient for a good play. As I mentioned earlier, there are a few more changes/ additions that are needed tonight but they should not increase the length of the play too much. I am hoping to look up and test out websites tomorrow so perhaps I will find something more suitable than what I have seen so far. If not, I will continue to create the sections with my website in mind, and hopefully my group will have suggestions/ advice for me that will help me get started on a good track. Till then, happy writing/ research/ creating to all and cannot wait to see everybody again.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

"The Play, It Keeps a 'Changin'" by Debbie Bagnato

So now that I have completed my play I realize how dreadfully far I am from being done. Every night after work, dinner, and chores, I sit down to do some small amount of editing/ revising and get lost in the world of my play. This is good, and usually very productive but when I look at the clock, it is quite past the time I imagined and that is when I realize all the other places in the various scenes that need to be addressed. Happy with my small progress but concerned with the remaining revisions, I go to bed mulling over wonderful changes I absolutely must make to this scene or that character. Sometimes I remember them in the morning and write them down on--you guessed it--more post-it notes, which get stuck to the huge Worthen book of plays. Then I go to work where I see, and hear and imagine even more details that will benefit my story--including the addition of vital characters who will enhance and make the tale more believable. Of course, I then get caught up in the world of "work": the very frustrations, favoritism and stressful environment that I am writing about.
Often, I go home almost as frustrated as my characters. Then, after venting to anyone who might listen, I get involved in the world of home, dinner, my grown kids and their problems or concerns, checking Facebook for a laugh or updates from friends or cousins I communicate with through this medium, all as I cook, clean up and both check and respond to texts and calls of importance. After all these dreadfully distracting diversions (love the letter "d") I return to my computer and go straight to my Lysistrata Revisited and start all over again. Yes, I am fueled by the events of that new day but therein lies the source of my discontent as I need to keep changing or tweaking snippets that are just not quite right.The hope is that I will eventually reach a place where I am comfortable with the scenes, characters and lines; the reality is that this feeling of euphoria may never fully happen. I do need to begin working on a website and we all know I am not the quickest with that type of project. My concern is that I will settle for less overall by devoting time to both of these ventures. The play and its completion--to my satisfaction--is the first priority. However, I really like the idea of creating a digital place that can be visited, including the usual backgroung info on the (insane) writer, the blogs which outline the progression of this project, and the very early proposal that began this unusual thesis. More importantly, I love the idea of having each "scene" accessible by a simple link as well as photos of the actual store and characters with the "cast" descriptions in a complimentary link. The particulars will be ironed out but I know how long these little decisions can take--and my ability to put this all together smoothly is a concern. Also, I had planned to sketch a stage set and present it next to a photograph of the true Courtesy desk (in my workplace) to easily illustrate the value of this setting for my version--it's not the Acropolis but it serves the purpose in a delightful manner. We have our class tonight so I will bounce ideas off my wonderful colleagues--the guys and Dr. Z usually have the greatest advice so I think this will help me immensely. Despite knowing that I have done a great deal so far, there is this shadowy feeling of worry that I will not be able to accomplish what I set out to do in the time frame I have. Work and family does consume most of my time and energy but I know there is always some force from within that pushes me to do what is needed and on time--really hoping that force is with me now (Star Wars anyone?). Oh well, I hope everyone else is moving along at a wonderful pace with their projects and not suffering from these same worries. I believe that we will all pull this off and in a manner to make us all proud to be in this wonderful class together with our great leader, Dr. Z! Let's all keep writing and cannot wait to see what we all come up with.