Thursday, February 23, 2017

Finally I will see my People! by Debbie Bagnato

Despite my ability and often preference to work alone endlessly on a piece before I want to share it with anyone, I am so excited and actually relieved to be meeting with my group later today! I have spent an endless amount of time on this piece, editing, revising, loving, hating and--in some scenes-- almost destroying my writing completely. The result is that I recognize my profound need for their input! I did follow my own instructions from last week and stayed away from this piece, in an effort to not destroy it through unnecessary revisions and/ or deletes. I will be reading todays chosen piece almost as my colleagues are because I only skimmed the scenes opening and closing lines to know where I might start and finish--class-time provided. There may be a bit more then we can read in each "script" but we will see how the time works and decide together. Then I can return to the revising mode with a fresh outlook and some strong ideas, perspectives and suggestions (and not destroy what is perceived as the good stuff)...I have a store full of co-workers who are excited about this story being told--and their personalities being enjoyed, laughed about, or identified with by others.
As for the website, I hope to gain much knowlege from my worthy colleagues so that I can comfortably and confidently move forward with this piece of the puzzle. We all know that I am not the strongest in this area so will need the tips and clever clues (?) of my colleagues in order to complete this challenge with ease. I do not want to be weeping over my inability to get the scenes to show up by clicking on a link or--worse still--realize that I have deleted my entire project after working on it for days by accidentally hitting a wrong key--and yes, I am fully capable of such malfunctions...Despite all my true efforts alone, I need the help of my peeps!
Other than that, working on my other piece has been an entirely different type of mindset but I am having fun as I go. It seems I can revise my earlier scenes--but not to excess--and then continue with my tale in my changing voice. This is also a sort of creative nonfictional piece as well--the scenes are based on true happenings OR are a recap of events, modified for the purpose of performance and/or  reading enjoyment. It seems to be a similar voice to my thesis project but there are different underlying concerns beneath the humor in these two pieces. For now, I am just trying to get the rest of my outline--in the remaining scenes--on paper in a humorous yet true-to-these-character fashion. The break from my multi-character piece to this "two-fer" was strange but allows for more one-on-one interaction. After pages of thinking of the endless, multi-layered conversations in front of Courtesy and trying to capture that momentum, this is equally trying as I attempt to bring the conversations, heart, and humor down to the simple reality of my sister and I. Our back-and-forth banter, fueled by jet-lag, mom-worry and poor Italian usage when visiting our brother, is a different but equally enjoyable type of emotion that I am trying to recreate. My hope is that each project will benefit the other and I will find my voice in both pieces, and be glad to hear it. Happy writing guys!

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