Saturday, October 8, 2016

The First Big Step--It's in Docs! by Debbie Bagnato

Now I want to let you all know, that the actual first big step was trying to re-write an Aristophanes play. Me. Lady who works in Shoprite and went back to college (after having a family) on a dare to get her son to try college himself. So, if that "step" of taking  classic piece isn't intimidating enough, I have now been so brazen with my words (in place of his highly revered ones) and put them into a document. This document says "Lysistrata Revisited" and that is exactly what my version is doing. In truth though, I really love this play, and my adaptation suggests no disservice but a sort of homage to this man, from another time, who held such humor, talent, grace, understanding of humanity and exceptional foresight. So, I don't think he would be angry at having his concept brought to my setting albeit a supermarket is such an unusual place for a play. The transfer from paper and pen to Docs was very scary, as time-consuming (if not moreso) than the original creation. But it has morphed in its transition and will continue to do so. As I would share my writing progress with coworkers--many of whom are in this piece if only through their personalities, their enthusiasm and desire to be included--in any small way--was delightfully encouraging. In truth, I work with lots of men and women, but am in contact (in the office) with mostly the female side of the store. That is how the idea evolved for a play set in Shoprite--the center of everything is the upstairs office which overlooks the entire store. So it is now--in my play--the Acropolis. I did begin my next scene; unfortunately, I have not been able to work on it for a couple of days so now I need to review before I continue. I have noticed that sometimes it is better to step back for a minute--then when I go back to writing, I'll pick up on things I didn't catch before. Sometimes, it will be the way I wrote a section that does not click or seems unnatural. By walking away for a day or two I can be more objective and see where something does not gel. Or if a section is better than I thought I'm able to see it (and be relieved). Many of the things that make this adaptation easy to set in my workplace have been very apparent this entire week--it has been a horrible week filled with men trying to one-up each other and we women being treated like the women in ancient Greece may have been--if they worked for Shoprite. I am exhausted as I have worked 10-12 hour days all week in an effort to get my department on track/ cleaned up, and reported on to all the appropriate parties. Unfortuntely, my efforts seemingly have gone unnoticed, or are considered not good enough (I am a woman) much like the story goes in Lysistrata. Fuel for writing my play, that is what I tell myself while I try to stay awake and coherent as I edit...
On a happier note, I am moving forward and just found several great essays/ articles on the topics Dr. Zamora suggested for my research. I will read as much as I can online and probably print them out--you guys know I like to have the paper in front of me while I work so I can write on it. Next, I need to pick the ones that will help me in my process and then try to organize the works cited. But I think I am getting ahead of myself and that is never productive. So enough on my work to do and now to get to it! Hope everyone is having a successful journey with their thesis and making the progress they need to make...until next time. :-)

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